é com satisfação que recebemos a notícia de que a ROER - Rede de Operações de Emergência de Radioamadores do município de Petrópolis - Região Serrana do Estado do Rio de Janeiro foi indicada pela LABRE Central como representante brasileira para o 2011 Golden Antenna Award promovido pela DARC - Deutscher Amateur Radio Club da Alemanha.
A cidade de Bad Bentheim anualmente premia um radioamador ou grupo de radioamadores que atuaram excepcionalmente em acidentes ou desastres naturais.
A ROER atuou decisivamente na catástrofe sofrida pela Região Serrana do Estado do Rio de Janeiro no início deste ano.
Parabéns aos integrantes da ROER! Boa Sorte!
Dear Sirs,
In answer your e-mail the LABRE - Liga de Amadores Brasileiros de Radio Emissao nominate the ROER and their ham radio operators for the 2011 Golden Antenna Award, with the description of achievement of their action as you can see in the following description:
Golden Antenna Award Nomination - On 2010, a small ham radio operators group team up to develop an Emergency Network Suport for eventual casualities in Montainous Region of State of Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. They stated the effort as ROER - Ham Radio Emergency Operations Network. During 2010, they offered to ham radio operators volunteers courses and training for take actions on emergency situations. They didn't know, but their region would be severely battered by a series of floods and mudslides that took place in January 2011.
A series of floods and mudslides took place in January 2011 in several towns of the Montainous Region (Regiao Serrana), in the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro. Casualities ocurred in the cities of Nova Friburgo, Teresopolis, Petropolis, Sumidouro and Sao Jose do Vale do Rio Preto. The floods caused at least 903 deats, including 424 in Nova Friburgo and 378 in Teresopolis.
ROER was active from the very beginning of the catastrophe on the cities Petropolis, Sumidouro and Sao Jose do Vale do Rio Preto. A team of 27 ham radio operators worked together to bring communication forth and back in synergy with official authorities to a vast area affected. The ROER Emergency network was the only communication resource to reach remote rural area on a decisive moment to safe lives aftermath the floods.
On the following days, the ROER Operators continued to support official authorities on rescue mission and collecting info about critical situations. Many families were isolated and ROER's field operators with their own mobile station could report authorities where the water and food resouce should be sent first. Some operator had worked oveer 24h shifts without sleep, showing commitment and solidarity for those had lost everything on the catastrophe in Mountainous Region of Rio de Janeiro.
For the vitalnemergency support played on floods and mudslides in January 2011 in Mountainous Region of Rio de Janeiro, LABRE - Liga de Amadores Brasileiros de Radio Emissao (Brazilian Radio Amateur League) - is proud to nominate ROER and their ham radio operators for the 2011 Golden Antenna Award.
Gustavo de Faria Franco - PT2ADM - LABRE's President.
quinta-feira, 30 de junho de 2011
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